About the Authors

Rosalind Davies is a Teacher of English at Torquay Academy in Devon. In former lives, she has been a PhD student, a research assistant, a seller of cheese, a doctor’s receptionist, a copy editor and a freelance writer. Sometimes a ‘ghost’, sometimes a co-author or co-editor, Ros loves being a writing partner who helps other people bring their words and ideas to life.

“I first met Simon Thomas in Forest Hill, South London, when we belonged to the same church. Later, I interviewed him for a book I was co-writing. Incredibly, this fully-networked polymath asked me to write a series of blogs in conjunction with a variety of thinkers and activists for an organisation called City to City.

As I later approached the ideas embedded in the Nothing is Everything project, I struggled to unhitch myself from the status quo in which I was invested. Many writing sessions with Simon would leave me at a loss to describe to anyone else what we had spoken about or what was the nature of this ‘job’ I had taken on.

At the core of the project is an embrace of the interruption – a change in our habits, thought patterns and ways of seeing the world. For me, the intellectual door that I couldn’t open swung wide in 2018 when my beloved son Ben died. From this point, everything in my world was shattered and I was catapulted into the freefall of nothing. Now I live in the scary place that is nothing and am journeying towards knowing that nothing can be a door into other things.

Nothing is Everything is not a self-help guide or a manual for change management. It defies categorisation. Its thinking is foundational, relational, inclusive, ethical, theological, universal and metaphorical. We invite you to connect with it here and on Twitter.”

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